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ADµP ®Developer Network
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Order of the detailed text
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(26) The dispatch of the detailed text costs for an interested party 190 € and for an ADµP-Member 95 €.
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(42) Entry to personal data in the member list of the ADµP-Developer Network: yes/no
(43) Short text to person, which will be published in member list of the ADµP-Developer Network (only if (42) = yes):
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(64) WEB page:
(71) Details to business (necessary if (14) and (15) were not full filled):
(72) Details to business in the partner list of the ADµP-Developer Network: yes/no
(73) short text to business, which will be published in partner list of the ADµP-Developer Network (only if (59) = no and only if (72) = yes )
(74) Install a link on (64) to www.AD-P.net: yes/no
(81) Suggestions for cooperation (necessary if (14) and (15) were not full:
(91) Agreement to Data Security (necessary if (14) and (15) were not full filled): The ADµP-Developer Network is authorized, the entrusted person obtained data will be able process in the context of the dedication in to his process or process by third parties: yes/no

Christian E. Jacob